29 January 2021

Dear colleagues,

I hope this message finds you well. We are approaching the end of our sixth week in level four restrictions in Wales and today's announcement from the First Minister has confirmed that these restrictions will remain in place for three more weeks. 

In terms of where we are with the number of COVID-19 cases in the Vale of Glamorgan, numbers are declining but from a very high point. It’s likely that if restrictions were eased now it would not be for long. The new variants are a factor as these strains of the virus are more transmittable and, in some cases, more deadly. The picture from Cardiff and Vale UHB is that things are improving in terms of people in hospital, but again, numbers are very high. So, for now, we need more of the same, to stay home and limit the transmission of the virus in order to see the positivity rating decrease further.

We have had the potential of some positive news this morning, with the First Minister confirming that some primary school pupils may start a phased return to school from 22 February, after half term, if Covid rates continue to fall. Clearly, this is not a definite date as it will still very much depend on rates of transmission across Wales and will, as indicated, rely on rates continuing to decline.  It is important therefore that we all play our part in limiting transmission rates. In the meantime, we will work closely with Headteachers to prepare for pupils returning to schools in the not-too-distant future.  

I know this has been an incredibly difficult period and a lot of people’s mental health has been negatively impacted by these restrictions. So, I would like to encourage you all to take some time next Thursday (Time to Talk Day) to join a virtual coffee break and have a chat with colleagues who you may not have seen for a few months. You don’t need to talk about work, just take some time to have a cuppa and a chat and check in with one another.

This week I have been in discussions with colleagues across Cardiff and the Vale Councils and the UHB to keep in touch with the importance of the vaccine programme. I caught up with Lance, our Director of Social Services, this week on progress in our care homes who said:

“I’m pleased to be able to let you know that almost all care homes in the Vale of Glamorgan have now been vaccinated. This is a significant step for us as an organisation which not only means some of our most vital frontline staff are protected from the virus but also some of our most vulnerable residents. I hope that in the coming months we can re-introduce visits to care homes so that our residents can meet up once more with their loved ones in person. I’d also like to express my thanks to C&V UHB’s immunisation team for this incredible achievement."

On a similar subject I’m pleased to be able to provide an update on the Vale’s mass vaccination centre which will be operating from Holm View Leisure Centre in Barry from the 8th of February. I’d like to echo a message of thanks that I received earlier this week from Cath Doman, Director of Health and Social Care Integration (IHSC Partnership), which read:

“Just a quick note to say a massive thank you to the team who’ve been involved in delivering the Vale’s mass vaccination proposals, for going above and beyond over the last couple of days and working at break-neck speed, you’ve been utterly astonishing!”

Thank you to all those involved in working with the UHB to enable this facility to be brought forward so quickly. 

In other positive news, we have recently received details of our draft settlement from Welsh Government. We are expecting a 4.9% increase in funding for the Vale, which represents an increase of around £7million on our annual budget. This is the most significant increase we have received in recent years. Cabinet will consider our budget proposals on 8 February. This uplift means many of the pressures we are seeing on our existing budgets can be funded. Some savings will be needed, and whilst still challenging, given the pressures on services, this figure will be nowhere near what we have had to find in previous years. 

As we move through the next few weeks and into the Spring, we need to take time to think and plan for how our organisation can look in the future. A key part of this is our Reshaping Programme. Recently we’ve been having discussions as a Senior Leadership Team, Heads of Service and with Cabinet on what Reshaping should look like in the future. Our actions as an organisation will be driven by our Corporate Plan and Recovery Strategy. As a result of this work, new themes are being developed, with new priorities. This review marks a shift from the focus being an internal programme of change to an external programme on how we take forward our role as an important community leader. A new Reshaping programme will be considered by Cabinet in February. 

I hope you all have a restful weekend. Stay safe and take care.

Diolch yn fawr,
