Annual Delivery Plan for 2021/22 gets green light at full Council

The Annual Delivery Plan (ADP) sets out the actions that we will undertake over the next twelve months that will contribute to the long-term wellbeing objectives set out in the Corporate Plan 2020-25.

30 April, 2021 

ADP coverOur four wellbeing objectives are:

  • To work with and for our communities
  • To support learning, employment and sustainable economic growth
  • To support people at home and in their community
  • To respect, enhance and enjoy our environment

The commitments within the ADP are then reflected in Service Plans together with service improvement targets. These show how different Council services will contribute to the delivery of the four Well-being Objectives.

Tom Bowring, Head of Policy and Business Improvement, explained how the ADP has been developed, ‘The Annual Delivery Plan reflects how services have changed and adapted over the past 12 months, whilst keeping a focus on our longer-term goals. Our recovery strategy, our ongoing response to the pandemic, performance reviews, the ambitions of the Council and public consultation have all been considered when finalising the ADP.

‘We continue to be ambitious in our plans for the future and are committed to the delivery of the Objectives set in the Corporate Plan to achieve our vision of ‘strong communities with a bright future. ‘The Annual Delivery Plan brings together the work of every team across the Council to show how by working together we can take collective action and really make a difference’.

This year’s Plan shows the ambition we have for the Vale of Glamorgan on a range of issues, such as tackling climate change, continuing to work in partnership to respond to the pandemic, developing new schools under the 21st Century Schools Programme, supporting children and young people and further joining up services to support adults in need of care alongside a whole range of other activities.

You can read more about the actions we will be taking in 2021/22 in our Annual Delivery Plan