Dear colleagues, 

I’m writing to provide you with an update at the end of the Vale of Glamorgan’s first week under local lockdown restrictions. 

Most of us are now living under local lockdown restrictions, whether in the Vale of Glamorgan or neighbouring authority areas. As we find ourselves in a time of further uncertainty, it’s important that we all take care of ourselves and focus on our health and wellbeing. 

Following on from recent conversations with staff during the course of the last week, it is clear that we all need to be mindful that working remotely and from home brings its own challenges.

Hopefully, the following will help and assist: 

  • Whilst working from home, take regular breaks away from your screen; 
  • Keep active and exercise outdoors as often as you can; 
  • Ensure you and your team members are taking your annual leave entitlement to have an extended break from work.  

Our communications team have been preparing some positive local lockdown messages to share with residents on social media, and these will be equally as relevant to staff. One example is, whilst we are in local lockdown, to support small businesses and the local economy by shopping locally. Remember to wear a mask when entering shops, cafes and restaurants.You may wish to take up a new hobby or gain new skills, such as learning Welsh.

All staff are entitled to undertake a fully funded course with our Dysgu Cymraeg team. Lessons are currently being provided remotely through online resources.  

Another example is to explore your local area, including parks and green open spaces. Meeting up with family and friends outdoors is permitted, as long as you maintain a social distance and live in the same local authority area.  If you’re unsure about what is possible and what’s permitted under the current restrictions, please visit  

As you may know, on the 24th of September, Welsh Government and UK Government launched the NHS COVID-19 app across England and Wales. This is a really important tool which will keep you and loved ones safe as well as supporting the Test, Trace, Protect system. 

The app features are: 

  • Alert: lets you know the level of coronavirus risk in your postcode district Trace: get alerted if you’ve been near other app users who have tested 
  • Check-in: get alerted if you have recently visited a venue where you may have come into contact with coronavirus 
  • Symptoms: check if you have coronavirus symptoms and see if you need to order a free test 
  • Test: helps you book a test and get your result quickly 
  • Isolate: keep track of your self-isolation countdown and access relevant advice  

Find out more here:

On the subject of wellbeing, I was really pleased to hear from Melanie Weeks recently, Senior Librarian in Penarth, who informed me that she had received a ‘thank you’ card from a library member. The local resident, who is 90 years of age and housebound had written to Melanie to thank her and her colleagues for keeping in touch and keeping up with book deliveries throughout the pandemic.

I know that the library service is one that many residents have and continued to rely on and I’m really grateful to all of our library staff for keeping this going through difficult circumstances, for the benefit of all residents.

I also felt compelled to write to Chris Britten recently, the Headteacher at Ysgol Y Deri, to congratulate him and his staff on the success of the BBC documentary, ‘A Special School’.  It was absolutely inspiring and emotional in equal measure and made me feel so proud to be associated with the Vale of Glamorgan Council.    

A number of staff within the Council have remarked to me how wonderful it is to have such a facility in the Vale of Glamorgan.  However, what makes the difference is the individuals who work within that facility and the entire team at Ysgol y Deri all deserve a massive shout out. Well done and thank you. 

All three episodes are still available on BBC iPlayer so I would encourage anyone who missed it to catch up.  

As always, thank you all for your continued work and commitment to providing vital public services. The efforts of everyone are hugely appreciated. Take care and stay safe.  
