Dear Colleagues, 
We would normally write to all staff at the end of the year to express our sincere thanks and gratitude for all of your hard work. Our final weekly message to you in 2020 will be no different, except this year has been more challenging than any of us could have ever anticipated. The events of the last 10 months have brought in to sharp focus just how proud we are of everything we do and everyone who works for the Vale of Glamorgan Council.  
We didn't think a written message alone could express just how grateful we are to each and every one of you for your efforts this year. So, for those of you who have not yet checked today's advent calendar piece please plug in your headphones and watch the below... 


Although we really do hope all colleagues have some time to rest and recuperate over the next couple of weeks, it would be irresponsible of us not to mention the current situation in our communities. The number of coronavirus cases is rapidly rising and we must all act responsibly and within the restrictions set by the Welsh Government.  
Christmas is going to be different this year with fewer people able to celebrate together and we know just how tough this is. However, we sincerely hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The coronavirus vaccine is currently being rolled out to our critical frontline workers and most vulnerable residents. These vaccinations will help, but is not a panacea.  Even if people are vaccinated, it does not mean that anyone can be blasé, as this does not mean that they don’t need to take the usual precautions during the pandemic.  We are  therefore, a number of months away from being able to relax restrictions and so we must all continue to be vigilant and extremely cautious in our actions.  
The first few months of 2021 will again be challenging, but we are hopeful that by this time next year we will be in a very different position and able to relax and celebrate in the same way we normally would.  
We are certain that this organisation will emerge from this pandemic in a strong position and our communities will recover.  We say this because we have excellent staff, who work with dedication and commitment to make a positive difference.  This year has demonstrated the true value of public service and the way this Council has responded to the crisis is firm evidence of the quality and enthusiasm of our staff.  
Please stay safe over the Christmas and New Year period, look after yourselves and your loved ones.  
We wish you a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. 
Rydym yn dymuno Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd heddychlon i chi. 
Diolch yn fawr. Thank you all. 
