Supporting the Period Dignity initiative!

We’ve been playing a key role delivering on the Welsh Government’s Period Dignity initiative, ensuring all learners in the county have access to free period products.

At its core, the initiative seeks to challenge the stigmas and taboo around periods. By encouraging more conversations, pupils will better understand periods, what is normal and where to seek help.

Pupils can request free period products, which are delivered to them in a practical and dignified way. Whilst the scheme is open to all, there has been particular focus on promoting it to lower income households and vulnerable students.

As well as providing the products, our officers have delivered ongoing support to schools to raise awareness and understand their role in supporting pupils. Officers also undertook an audit to gauge current access to products and where the service could be improved.

We have been working closely with Rethink Periods to offer training to teaching staff around reducing plastic in products and challenging period taboos. 

period dignityThe Welsh Government requires that a minimum of 50% of funding is spent on eco-friendly products, and as such, there has been an emphasis on promoting reusable products where possible.Our officers are now developing partnerships across the authority to provide products to all service users, such as with the library service, youth service and housing - including hostels, refugees and supported housing.

This has also been extended to third-sector organisations, including food banks and family centres.

Pupils can access free period products by visiting the Council's website or emailing

They will need to provide their name, school, year group and address in order to ensure we can respond as quickly as possible. For more information:

Mark Davies – Prevention and Partnership Manager 

Lisa Lewis –  OM Strategy and Resources