Windows 11 is coming soon!

We’ve got some exciting news! Windows 11 will be rolling out to all council devices from next week, 24 February 2025.

The rollout will be happening in stages, with the final upgrades taking place in June, so you may get the upgrade a bit earlier or later than some of your colleagues. This is nothing to worry about – Windows 10 will continue working in the meantime.

Windows 11 aims to allow users to work smarter and create a setup that works for YOU. With a range of built-in accessibility and personalisation tools, you will be able to tailor your experience to enhance focus, improve comfort, and streamline your daily tasks. 

The week before your device gets upgraded, you’ll receive an email with more details on what to expect.

We’ve already done lots of testing with pilot groups, and so we’re confident the transition will be smooth for users – but we do encourage you to take a look at our FAQs, and how-to guides.

For now, all you need to do is look out for the email telling you when to expect your upgrade. You will receive this email any time between now and June 2025.

If you want to get a head start on getting Windows 11 ready, you can begin making sure that all your important files are saved to your home area (H drive), OneDrive or Sharetree. Your files shouldn't be affected by the upgrade but best to be prepared!