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Changes to Emergency Powers Protocol
Changes to Emergency Powers Protocol
09 September 2024
Following a discussion at Scrutiny Committee and in agreement with the Chief Executive, all Emergency Powers approved by the Chief Executive are to be placed on the Council’s website from 1 September 2024.
However, it will not be the Emergency Powers form itself, but rather the title, an executive summary, and the date of approval by the Chief Executive.
In line with the changes, the current Emergency Powers form has been amended, which now include an Executive Summary section which must be completed. Please be mindful of what is included in the Executive Summary if the Emergency Power is confidential in nature.
In addition, in order to streamline the process and ensure that all officer and Member approvals are in place prior to approval by the Chief Executive, all Directorates are being asked to allocate an EP Co-ordinator within their departments.
Democratic Services will keep a record of all Emergency Powers approved and add the information to the Council’s website on a monthly basis.
If any officer or EP co-ordinator has any queries, please contact a member of Democratic Services.
Otherwise, you can find the new Emergency Powers form and procedural note on Staffnet:
Democratic and Scrutiny Services – Important Documents, Polices and Procedures