Meet our Greenlinks drivers

Greenlinks is a Council run community transport service that offers accessible low-cost transport for rural communities.

Like many of the Council's services, Greenlinks supports some of the most vulnerable in our communities.

Managed by the Council's Transport Team, the service relies on volunteers to drive passengers, many of which can't drive themselves and would otherwise be relying on family members or paying large fees for taxis.

To enable the service to support as many people as possible, the team are inviting applications for new drivers. 

The role is a great opportunity for someone who has some free time (and a driving license) and wants to give back to the community, or someone who wants to gain work experience. All drivers are offered free training and a fully flexible working schedule.

We spoke with some of the volunteer drivers to learn about their role, and the impact the service has on its users. Here’s what they had to say: