People Strategy Consultation

We're thrilled to announce our People Strategy consultation.

Our People Strategy focuses on three key themes: 

Redesigning for Responsiveness 

Driving Employee Experience 

Striving for High Performance 


We value your input and believe that diverse perspectives enrich our understanding, fostering a more inclusive and supportive workplace for all.  

We have prepared a condensed overview of our strategy, offering a quick understanding of its key elements. For those seeking more details, the full version is also available to read, providing comprehensive insights into our goals, initiatives, and implementation plans. Feel free to explore the full version for a deeper understanding of our strategy and its potential impact. 

People Strategy overview 

People Strategy

Our strategy is currently progressing through the political processes, and the next step you sharing your views through our all-staff consultation. Once this crucial step is completed, the strategy will go through the final agreement process. 

Your feedback will be crucial in shaping our organisation's future and ensuring alignment with the needs and aspirations of our valued team members. 

To make it easy for you to share your thoughts, we've prepared a short form where you can provide feedback on our People Strategy. Please note that this form is anonymous.  

Complete the feedback form