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Robs Weekly Round up 31 March 2023
Robs Weekly Round-Up
31 March 2023
Dear colleagues,
This week seems to have been busier than most meaning there is even more than normal to pack into my Friday message!
Previously, I have provided regular updates on work being done to upgrade our management information system.
After many months of hard graft, this project is now nearing completion, with Oracle Fusion set to be introduced from Monday.
This new cloud-based platform can be used to view and amend an individual’s personal information, report expenses, access payslips and much more.
Its implementation has been delayed since November to ensure all its functions are available and working properly.
Oracle Fusion will support the way Finance and HR processes are delivered, making them more flexible, and providing a better user experience for residents, staff and suppliers.
As the new system is cloud based, staff can log-on using both work and personal devices with a single set of credentials, meaning no need to remember multiple passwords.
A series of Staffnet+ news items have been published over the last few weeks highlighting some of the important features of Oracle Fusion as well as training on how to use it.
Information has also been added to the Oracle Hub, while more questions on the platform can be submitted via email.
Thanks to everyone involved for their efforts in helping us get to this stage. I know the new system will be a big improvement. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
On a sad note, Cabinet Members, officers and I joined mourners for the funeral of former Councillor Anne Moore yesterday.
It was with great sadness that we learned of Anne’s death a couple of weeks ago.
Anne served as an Elected Member for Cadoc Ward for almost 30 years, standing down before the last election, and was the wife of former Leader of the Council, Neil Moore.
The turnout yesterday emphasised just what a popular figure Anne was, the difference she made to people as a public servant and exactly how much she will be missed.
Once again, I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to Neil, Rhiannon and their whole family at this difficult time.
At a recent meeting, Senior Leadership Team colleagues and I discussed our new Engagement Strategy.
Since last summer’s Staff Survey, Gemma Williams and her HR team have been reviewing our engagement approach in an effort to make better connections between colleagues.
There was a good response rate to the survey and results indicated engagement among staff had improved since it was last measured in 2018.
However, there is always more that can be done to better involve staff in the development of policies and procedures.
Some of the feedback received from the survey has already been put into action, with changes to the Chief Officer Appraisal due to be rolled out from April 17.
There is also a review into the #itsaboutme process taking place, which includes input from focus groups, and improvements are set to be proposed later in the year.
After considering the thoughts of SLT and Heads of Service, a detailed action plan will now be drawn up and include information on how colleagues can get involved.
The Engagement Strategy links to the People Strategy, which has been developed to replace the old Human Resources Strategy.
That is currently being consulted on after a report was considered by Cabinet last month.
Aligned with our Corporate Plan, Wellbeing Objectives and Five Ways of Working, the People Strategy aims to create a working environment built upon inclusivity, trust and mutual respect.
It’s three central themes are: Redesigning for Responsiveness, Driving Employee Experiences, and Striving for High Performance.
We want to build upon successes achieved in recent years through effective partnership working between both internal and external colleagues.
As well as information about plans for hybrid working and key dates when outcomes will be delivered, the People Strategy also contains details of the Council’s Volunteer Policy.
This aims to support charitable and community-based projects and proposes staff have the opportunity to take one volunteer day a year to help out with such initiatives.
Activity in this area has already started with the establishment of the Council’s Wellbeing Champions.
Under that banner, the team have planned a number of activities within our Country Parks. The latest of these saw colleagues, including members of the Elections Team, plant 170 whips at Cosmeston and more work along similar lines will follow.
On Tuesday, I joined the Leader of the Council on a truly inspirational visit to Ty Hafan.
During our visit we had a full tour of the site and saw first-hand the superb facilities on offer. We were also given an insight into the brilliant work that takes place there.
We saw the benefit of having such a wonderful facility in the Vale of Glamorgan and the fantastic setting that helps make it so unique.
Looking after our children and the vulnerable is at the very top of our priority list as a Council.
With that in mind, I’m delighted that we are one of only four Local Authorities in Wales that will be offering free school meals to all primary pupils from next month.
That means we are again delivering above and beyond Welsh Government targets.
From April 24, every child from Reception to Year 6 that attends a Vale school will receive a daily meal without charge.
That again exceeds provision set out in phase two of Welsh Government’s Universal Primary Free School Meal (UPFSM) rollout, which plans for all pupils from Year 3 to Year 6 to be given a free school meal by April next year.
In September, when Welsh Government wanted free school meals available to all Reception Pupils, the Council also included those in years 1 and 2.
The Vale also has also seen the highest uptake of UFSMs in Wales.
The provision can be delivered on this scale thanks largely to the success of the Big Fresh Catering Company and its innovative business model.
Operating as a commercial entity in the form of a Local Authority Trading Company means all surpluses are returned to schools or invested back the business itself.
As well as funding the free school meal programme, money from the business has been paid to support school and community projects.
It has also been invested in better quality ingredients and gone towards sponsoring community groups such as football teams and arts clubs.
Well done to Trevor Baker, Carole Tyley and everyone involved with Big Fresh – the venture continues to go from strength to strength.
Yesterday, Unpaid Carers Services staff linked up with colleagues from our Social Care Workforce Development (SCWD) Team to stage an event for unpaid carers.
Over afternoon tea, people who look after someone in a non-professional capacity were able to find out about development opportunities as well as financial and other support available to them.
Hosted at the Memo Arts Centre in Barry, it also gave individuals the chance to mix with others in a similar position and share their experiences.
Organisations that provide specialist equipment, home adaptations, learning and skills training were in attendance to talk about the services they offer.
Well done Nicola Hale, James Livingstone, Clair Oliver, Genette Webster and her SCWD team of Elspeth Cameron, Amy Curtis, Bec Jones, and Katie Foster, who planned and organised the event.
I can only apologise for not being able to spend longer with you as I had to attend Anne Moore’s funeral, but it was nevertheless great to drop in for a short time to see first-hand the value of the event.
James even featured on Bro Radio to promote it. Top effort!
On the subject of radio programmes, Lynne Clarke got a mention on the Sara Cox Show this week for work she has done to cultivate the Civic Offices courtyard and entrance to C1V.
Lynne was nominated for a Sara Award by her Contact Centre colleague Sue Jones.
The awards recognise people who have transformed previously ordinary areas into wild colourful spaces.
As Sue mentioned in her nomination: “Lynn has created beautiful, wonderful bee-friendly areas, a very small wild meadow and bug hotel.
“They are a little bit of paradise where workers can enjoy the flowers.
“She has turned old tyres into planters, painted stones and recycled pots.
“She has planted rose bushes and even raised funds for a memorial bench for colleagues that have passed away.
“She has really brought sunshine and flowers to these areas and made me smile.
“Thank you for all that work and your huge heart.”
I’d like to also pass on my sincere gratitude for all the hard work that Lynn has put in.
Such selflessness and commitment is way beyond what is expected of staff, but has clearly had a huge impact on colleagues, particularly Sue.
Thank you very much Lynne – what you’ve done is incredible.
I hope ending on that note puts everyone in a positive mood ahead of the weekend.
Whatever you have planned, enjoy a relaxing and restful couple of days.
Once again, thank you very much for your efforts this week - they are always very much appreciated.
Diolch yn fawr iawn,