Breaking down barriers to work faced by refugees

The Language Passport – your ticket to work is a web-based platform that offers work-relevant information and phrases in English, Ukrainian, Pashto, Dari and Arabic.

It is designed to complement the work that is being done to support refugees into employment. It is a gentle and engaging introduction for refugees to the world of work - in their own languages.

The Language Passport – your ticket to work has been inspired by enterprising refugees who have told us that they have found certain jobs which can be started with limited English. Once they start these jobs in an English-speaking environment, they learn work-relevant words and phrases quickly. It is like an immersive ESOL lesson. They are then able to flourish in their jobs.

In similar fashion, we hope to show that limited English need not be a barrier to starting certain jobs.

The Language Passport – your ticket to work is currently in a pilot phase; the website offers information about two jobs that can be started with limited English: hotel housekeeper and retail assistant. Of course, there is no limit to the work that refugees can obtain with the right support. 

There is an Expert Working Group that governs the Language Passport – your ticket to work, with representatives from Welsh Refugee Council, Welsh Government, WLGA Wales Strategic Migration Partnership, Department for Work and Pensions, Careers Wales, Adult Leaning Wales, Vale Learning Centre and Cardiff Into Work Services. Many of these partners are currently helping us to pilot the Language Passport – your ticket to work. 

Vale Communities for Work Plus offers a range of employability support for Ukrainian and Afghan refugees. If anyone wishes to refer a refugee for this kind of support, please use our email