Race Equality Week is Coming Soon

Race Equality WeekThe Vale of Glamorgan Council is proud to be participating in Race Equality Week, from 6 to 12 February 2023.

Race Equality Week unites thousands of organisations in action to seriously address race inequality in the workplace.

A UK-wide initiative, Race Equality Week was launched by community interest company Race Equality Matters to unite and encourage organisations and individuals across the UK to come together to address race equality barriers in the workplace.

It unites employees, focuses senior leaders and encourages them to drive race equality all year long.

Keep your eyes peeled

We’ll be encouraging you to take part in the 5-Day Challenge!

You are asked to take time each day this week to self-reflect and commit to action for race equality.

Each activity is only around five minutes – can you spare this time each day this week?

Find out more here


You might also consider joining the Council’s staff network for Black, Asian and ethnic minority staff and their allies, Diverse. 


Diverse aims to promote an inclusive workplace that actively celebrates its diverse community and workforce. If you would like to join, please complete the membership form