A Little Bit of Cybersecurity Training Incoming for Vale 365 Users

Time to read – 30 seconds or less.

We understand that it’s a busy time of year, but there is some important cybersecurity training coming to all Vale ICT Users. For colleagues who access to 365, you will need to complete compulsory training regarding cybersecurity.

ICT Security and Compliance have put together a very short and informative training module to help keep you safe online outside of work.

Here’s a quick summary of the training:

  • You will receive an email in the next few days with a link to a few important cybersecurity training modules
  • These cover a few basics on security and phishing emails which take a few minutes to complete – which you’ll hopefully find interesting too!
  • ICT Security and Compliance have put together a few screenshots of what the phishing emails looks like, where they come from and what you’ll see when you click the link, so you’ll know what to expect

Over 75% of cyber security incidents start because of an action taken by a human. Together with a little training we can reduce the chances of a major incident, so we appreciate you taking the time to help us all stay safer.

If you have any questions or concerns, please log a ticket on the Halo system, and the ICT Security and Compliance Team will get back to you as soon as possible.