Oracle Fusion

Oracle Fusion to all Staff: Three Important Points!

Oracle Fusion is now live!

From today you will issued login details that will enable you to access Employee and Manager Self Service in Fusion. If you haven’t received your log-in details yet, don’t worry we are sending these out over the course of the day.

Whilst it’s really encouraging to see people actively use the new system – certain initial actions are placing a very high strain on our Payroll, Finance and Procurement teams.

During the initial go-live week commencing Monday 3rd April – please observe the following:


Please DO NOT submit ANY requests or changes in Manager Self Service – with the exception of submitting necessary Sickness/RTW updates. Please view your team establishment information for now but do not attempt to make/request changes to the current information displayed.


Please DO NOT SUBMIT any non-urgent orders. Once the system has updated itself we will let you know asap when can raise orders again.

 3.      MILEAGE

Please hold off from submitting any mileage requests. We will let you know asap when you can start submitting requests again. The issue re. pre March 6th Mileage requests is known about – we will contact you with an update so no need to get in touch for now.

We will of course communicate with you again over the coming days to let you know when you can access the full range of Fusion actions available to you.

Your co-operation in this request is much appreciated and will enable our teams to concentrate on getting our staff and suppliers paid!

Many thanks,

Oracle Fusion team