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Meet the team behind this year's Staff Awards trophies!
Meet the team behind this year’s Staff Awards trophies!
We’re pleased to announce that the trophies for this year’s awards are being made on-site by service users at New Horizons Day Service.
A small group of service users have been busy creating the staff awards 2022 from donated scrap hard wood. As part of the process, the wood had been cut to size, shaped into a base and stand using a lathe, the award base and stand have been smoothed, polished, and lacquered for the finish ready for the plaques to be placed.
New Horizons Day Service provides a day service for people aged 18-65 years who have a permanent or substantial physical disability. The service provides a range of therapeutic and creative activities, including a specialist gym, arts and crafts, exercise classes, music, community activities and sport.
One of their key activities is also woodworking, and so the trophies have been made in the on-site workshop. The team also provides personal care, advocacy, support for communication, emotional support, and respite for carers, with the aim of improving the health, social life, independence, and confidence of its service users.
We’re extremely grateful for their hard-work and look forward to seeing the finished trophies.