What is Wales Climate Week?
Held annually in November, Wales Climate Week builds on the Conference of the Parties (COP) global climate change summit to encourage national and regional conversations on climate change.
The event was established by the Welsh Government in 2019 in response to feedback from stakeholders that “talking about climate change is important”. The event forms part of a broader programme of engagement activity.
The week brings together Wales wide partners - from public sector bodies and networks to industry bodies and businesses, environmental organisations, academic institutions, charities, third sector networks and community groups, accessibility networks and young people groups and networks - to consider how to collectively deliver policies and programmes associated with climate change.
As a local authority, we have committed to reducing our carbon emissions to net zero by 2030, a commitment that will be delivered through our own Project Zero and subsequent Climate Challenge Plan.
This week we will continue the conversation about climate change by providing further insight into the ongoing work under Project Zero. Our topics will focus on food, sustainable transport, green infrastructure and finally the people behind the projects.
A Project Zero Board has been established to oversee delivery of the commitments in our Climate Challenge Plan. The Board is chaired by the Chief Executive. Other Board Members include the Director of Corporate Resources, the Director of Place and the Director of Social Services as well as our Head of Neighbourhood Services and Transport, Operational Manager for Property, Head of Finance, Head of Housing and Building Services and the Head of Strategy, Community Learning and Resources.
Members of the Board are responsible for ensuring we deliver against the challenges in the plan and that across the Council we are working as a team to respond to the climate emergency.
Addressing climate change has been identified as a key priority by our residents as well. As part of a programme of engagement around well-being in the Vale undertaken over the summer, we learnt that Vale residents not only value what the Vale has to offer in terms of its landscape and coastline but also that our environment is something that needs protecting at all costs.
Therefore, the PSB’s draft well-being plan and our Annual Delivery Plan have both identified tackling climate change as key priorities. And our objectives under both of these plans will help us deliver our project zero targets.
Please keep an eye on Staffnet and our social media feeds this week to find out more about Wales Climate Week and Project Zero.