The Staff Awards are back at last - and better than ever!

We’re pleased to announce that after a two and a half year hiatus, the Staff Awards will be returning in September 2022.

With coronavirus restrictions set to be lifted across Wales, planning is in full swing for the return of the awards. 

This year’s awards will recognise the exceptional work of our employees throughout the pandemic. They will also reflect the evolution of the Council as a more inclusive and contemporary organisation.

We will have several new categories that capture how our work relates to our values and the actions outlined in the Corporate Plan. Nominations will be open to teams, not just individuals.

The Vale Resort will play host to the event, with many of our previous sponsors returning. This means that tickets will be available at a discounted rate, with nominees still going free.

By securing Award and Table Sponsors we are able to deliver this event at no cost to the tax-payer or the Council. The event is fully funded by sponsorship and ticket sales.

So save the date: 30 September 2022. More details, including categories and how to submit your nominations to follow.