Message from the Chief Executive - New Appointment

Dear colleagues, 

I am pleased to confirm the appointment of two colleagues to new roles within our Strategic Leadership Team. 

Following a highly competitive process Tom Bowring has been appointed as our new Director of Corporate Resources and Marcus Goldsworthy as our Director of Place. 

The restructure of our SLT came following the recommendations of an independent consultant commissioned by the Council’s Cabinet. The recommendations were made in part to address legislative requirements of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act and in part to give us the capacity we need to continue to improve the support we offer to our communities. 

Our Council has consistently been recognised as the top performing local authority in Wales. With the future of the sector looking more challenging than ever these posts have been added to enable us to build on this track record of success and accelerate the transformation of the organisation. Our vision is of a council that does more than provide first class services. We are an organisation that thinks long-term and is committed to building a legacy of vibrant and sustainable communities in the Vale. 

I believe passionately that public service is about working to foster strong communities, to safeguard those that are vulnerable, to give people greater life choices, and help everybody to achieve their potential. I know Tom and Marcus share this belief. 

As Director of Corporate Resources, Tom will be responsible for the financial and performance management of the Council, the delivery of all professional support services and for championing customer service. Tom will now lead on all matters relating to the allocation and prioritisation of resources across the Council through the annual budget setting process and ensuring value for money and continuous improvement throughout the system.

In this new role he will also provide leadership, management and direction to organisational transformation and change programmes and work with teams across the Council to drive change as well as to embed our values, increase opportunities for staff engagement and promote diversity and inclusion.

As Director of Place, Marcus will be responsible for growing and and sharing prosperity in the Vale of Glamorgan. In his new role Marcus will champion the economic and physical growth of the region ensuring the economic foundations for improving the lives of Vale of Glamorgan residents, whilst at the same time leading on all statutory planning functions, including the Local Development Plan.

Marcus will now lead on the response to the climate emergency, working alongside colleagues from across the organisation, businesses, partners and our communities to reduce carbon emissions. He will also work to enhance town centres and neighbourhoods and with other areas of the Council and our regional partners to ensure the best possible return on investment for the Council and the people of the Vale of Glamorgan.

There will also be a particular focus on ensuring the Council is an active partner in the Cardiff Capital Region and all initiatives and opportunities that emerge from regional and national collaboration. 

These two posts are among a number of senior roles that have recently been filled. Marcus will be working closely with Ian Robinson who has been appointed Operational Manager for Planning and Charlotte Raine who is now one of our Major Projects Manager. While Tom will be linking closely with our new Head of Finance, Matt Bowmer, and new Operational Manager for Finance, Gemma Jones.

As Section 151 Officer Matt will take the lead on the financial management of the authority and brings with him a wealth of experience in local government finance.  Within Internal Audit, I am also pleased to advise that Joan Davies has been appointed to the Operational Manager role, and Joan will no doubt ensure that our internal audit service will continue to be robust.

I would also like to congratulate Helen Picton on her appointment as Head of Shared Regulatory Services. Helen will now be charged with further developing the service across Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale. Jason Bale steps up on an interim basis to the Operational Manager role vacated by Helen. I am sure you will all join me in wishing all of the above the very best as they begin their new roles.

In the coming weeks we will have a series of getting to know you pieces with some of our new senior managers. In the meantime, if you’d like to know more or just say congratulations I am sure you are very welcome to get in touch directly. 

Diolch yn fawr. 