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Take a look at the Culture Book and be in with a chance to win!
Take a look at the Culture Book and be in with a chance to win!
Over the last year, OD and Learning have been working with the Engagement and Innovation Champions and representatives from every area of the Council to develop a book that reflects our values and tells our stories about the work we do.
The Culture Book encompasses and builds on the Staff Charter and highlights the diversity of our organisation, the exceptional work our staff do and showcases us delivering our values in action.
Let’s Tell Our Stories
Our digital Culture Book highlights our Council, but your stories are what brings it life. Stories are at the heart of everything we do, and we want to build a catalogue of stories from you.
Share your stories
We want you to share your stories, no matter how big or small, if it shows you and your team delivering the values, we want to tell it! We are the leading Local Authority in Wales and you make that happen, so let’s tell our stories to learn from each other, see what other areas are working on and celebrate what we do well.
View the Culture Book
Fancy an Afternoon Tea for 2 at Bigfresh@ThePier?
You could win an Afternoon Tea for 2 at Bigfresh@thePier, by simply having a look at the Culture Book. Simply find the Big Fresh Company logo within the Culture Book. Click on the image and enter your details.
We’ll be announcing a winner on Tuesday 21 September!
Don’t miss out – check out the Culture Book today!