New Resource Platform for Care Home and Domiciliary Staff 

The platform, developed by Improvement Cymru, provides quick and easy online access to vital information 

03 March 2021

Improvement Cymru recognised that crucial time savings could be made by care home and domiciliary staff if they could access the online information they need on a daily basis, in one place, either on a mobile phone or computer.

The Care Home Cymru team at Improvement Cymru worked in partnership with Public Health Wales and Welsh Government, to identify the information that staff need to access, and then provided the links on a one-stop Resource Platform.  

It is available on both an app (English only) and a website (bilingual) to make it easy to access and view, via phone or desktop, in various locations where staff might be during their shift. 

Links include information on infection control, recognition of deterioration, mental health and wellbeing, COVID-19, training, guidance and useful contacts.

Rosalyn Davies, Programme Lead at Improvement Cymru, said: “We are delighted to provide support for care home and domiciliary staff with this digital platform.  It enables busy staff to access key links and resources to stay up-to-date during this difficult time.  We would like to thank Public Health Wales, Welsh Government and partners from health and social care for their contributions and support.”

Suzanne Clifton, Head of Adult Services, said: "At a time when there is rapid change to practice and policy, this app will be a welcome addition to provide confidence to our direct care workforce. Our carers across our service areas have been invaluable and this resource will help them to keep our workforce and those we support safe. 

App - Twitter card for CHC app (ENG)

"Timely and easy access to relevant information is pivotal to how we support people working in our communities who aren’t working from office locations and whose roles do not revolve around a computer screen. I hope that staff will make use of this app and find it helpful to support them continue to provide high quality care to the most vulnerable in our communities."

The Resource Platform can be accessed by:

• App: download the HealthZone UK app and then search for Care Home Cymru

• Website: go to the toolkit page on the Digital Health website