First Minister's announcement staff guidance

Dear Colleagues,

Following the First Minister’s announcement today and further to my earlier email regarding working from home regulations, I am writing to confirm the main changes to Coronavirus regulations and guidance.

New Alert Level 2

  • A new alert level two for hospitality businesses, cinemas theatres and public gatherings is being introduced, with measures having been tailored to the new omicron variant.
  • All alert level two measures, including for retail and workplaces and the closure of nightclubs, will come into force from 6am on Boxing Day.
  • The new measures will mean:
    • A general requirement of 2m social distancing in all premises open to the public and workplaces, where reasonable.
    • The rule of six will apply to gatherings in regulated premises, such as hospitality, cinemas and theatres.
    • All licensed premises will need to take additional measures to protect customers and staff, including table service and collecting contact details.
    • Face coverings will be required in hospitality settings at all times apart from when seated.
    • Large events will not be allowed indoors or outdoors. The maximum number of people who can gather at an indoor event will be 30 and 50 people outdoors.
  • There is an exception for team sports where up to 50 spectators will be able to gather, in addition to those taking part. There is also an exception for events involving children.   
  • For important life events like weddings, civil partnerships, funerals and wakes, the numbers will be determined by the ability of the venue to manage social distancing and other reasonable measures. All guests will need to take a lateral flow test.
  • There will not be new legal rules about mixing in people’s private homes and gardens. Updated and strengthened guidance to help keep people safe will be issued by Welsh Government.
  • Welsh Government is advising everyone to follow five simple measures:
    • Limit the number of people visiting your home.
    • If people are visiting, make sure they take a lateral flow test before they come.
    • Meeting outdoors is better than indoors. If you’re meeting indoors make sure it’s well ventilated.
    • Space out any visits.
    • And don’t forget about social distancing and washing your hands.
  • Welsh Government will reinstate a specific offence for large gatherings in private homes.

Changes to Self-isolation of Close Contacts

  • Fully-vaccinated adults and children aged five to 17, who are identified as contacts of someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, will now be asked to take a daily lateral flow test for seven days instead of self-isolating.
  • People who have daily negative tests will be able to continue going to work as normal, while following all the steps to keep themselves safe, including limiting the number of people they mix with as much as possible.
  • We are awaiting guidance for Social Care colleagues in front line roles and will communicate this as a matter of urgency when the information is available.
  • If you have not been double-vaccinated and are identified as a close contact of someone who has Covid you must self-isolate.
  • Children under five are exempt from self-isolation if they are close contacts.
