Letter announcing the launch of the new Tackling Exploitation Strategy

Dear colleagues,

The Cardiff & Vale Regional Safeguarding Boards are pleased to announce the launch of the new Tackling Exploitation Strategy.The strategy sets out the commitment of the Cardiff & Vale Regional Safeguarding Boards’ to tackle exploitation.

Member agencies of the Board stand together to:

  • Prevent exploitation
  • Protect and support those affected by exploitation
  • Pursue and disrupt perpetrators and offenders
  • Prepare everyone in our communities across Cardiff and the Vale to respond to exploitation

The 4 ‘P’ model allows for a holistic approach to tackle causes and consequences of exploitation. The model works to proactively prevent and protect those who may be at risk of exploitation and pursue those who are causing most harm.

Cardiff and Vale Regional Safeguarding Boards have a combined exploitation strategy for both children and adults at risk. An action plan will be developed to determine priorities and identify actions to support the delivery of this strategy for the region by September 2020.

Read the full strategy here.

Warm regards,

Lance Carver

Claire Marchant