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Unpaid Carers

Information for unpaid carers who care, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.


Vale Unpaid Carers Hub

The Vale Unpaid Carers Hub is a one-stop-shop for unpaid carers living in The Vale of Glamorgan. The service offers practical and emotional support to unpaid carers, helping people to protect their health and wellbeing and understand their caring role. Our workers provide a listening ear and can link carers into services and support in the local area. 


Our friendly team can help unpaid carers living in the Vale area with:  

  • Free information, advice, and assistance.  
  • Support focussed on what matters to you.  
  • Help to access local support services.  
  • Awareness of who could be a carer and their needs.  
  • A trusted place for carers to have their voices heard.  

To make a referral into the Vale Unpaid Carers Hub (this can be a self-referral or via social services) please click here to complete the form or call 02921 921024.




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 Search Dewis Cymru to find services to support carers in the Vale of Glamorgan:

 Services to support carers 

Below are the details of national carers organisations who provide advice, information, and support to unpaid carers in Wales.


Provides advice and information to carers and the professionals who support carers. 

Carers Wales 

Advice line – Monday to Friday: 02920 811370    


Provides a national voice to empower parents and carers of people with learning disabilities:

All Wales Forum 

02920 811120           


Committed to improving support and services for unpaid carers:

Carers Trust Wales 

0300 772 9702 


Cardiff and Vale Unpaid Carers Charter

Approximately 1 in 10 of us who live in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan provide unpaid care to a family member or friend.


This Charter highlights the commitment of partners across the region including NHS, local authorities, voluntary and 3rd sector organisations and outlines how we will support you if you care for someone.



Strategy for unpaid carers

Welsh Government have launched a new strategy for unpaid carers: