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Active Travel       Active Travel VOG logo

The Vale of Glamorgan Council is working to promote and improve opportunities for active travel within the local authority area



About Active Travel

Active travel means walking and cycling (including the use of mobility scooters) for everyday journeys. This includes journeys to school, to work, to the shops or to access services e.g. health or leisure centres. Active travel does not include walking and cycling for recreational or social reasons.



In September 2014, the Welsh Government introduced the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 which makes it a legal requirement for local authorities in Wales to map and plan for suitable routes for active travel within certain settlements, as specified by Welsh Government.


The Council submitted their Integrated Network Maps in November 2017 which set out the Authority’s aspirations for improving active travel routes across the County over the next 15 years.


They included routes that were currently used but may not have met the standard of Active Travel routes, or they were routes that did not exist but were identified within other strategic plans, or identified through the consultation process.


Sustrans image urbanImage credit: Sustrans

Section 4 of the Act requires that the next edition of the INM should be submitted by local authorities three years following the previous edition, or no later than a date specified by the Welsh Ministers. In view of the Covid-19 pandemic, Ministers considered it appropriate to extend the submission of the next round of integrated networks maps and updated existing routes maps to 31 December 2021.
The Vale of Glamorgan Council held extensive consultation with the public throughout 2021, and the new Active Travel Network Map was approved by Welsh Government in August 2022.


Please find attached a Direction under the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013. This Direction amends the timescale for the resubmission of the Existing Routes Maps and the integrated Network Maps, now collectively known as Active Travel Network Maps (ATNMs).


In November 2023 the Minister and Deputy Minister for Climate Change  agreed to extend the next date for all local authorities to submit revised versions of their Active Travel Network Maps (ATNMs), to 1 December 2026. This will allow local authorities to focus on delivering new routes and improvements to their networks, before they start the process of revising their maps again.



Active Travel Network Map


All local authorities in Wales have to produce maps of walking and cycling networks in their local area, known as Active Travel Network Maps (ATNMs).


The Active Travel Network Maps user guide explains how to access and use the online maps.


The Active Travel Network Maps background information guide explains the Active Travel Network Maps (and how to interpret them).



Active Travel Funding

The Council has been awarded a sum of money by Welsh Government to undertake a number of Active Travel improvements, including feasibility, design and small construction projects throughout the Vale of the Glamorgan.


Details of currently funded active travel schemes can be found on our Active Travel and Safe Routes in Communities Projects page. 



If you would like to contact the Council on matters relating to Active Travel in the Vale of Glamorgan, please email: