Whilst Hackney Carriage and Private Hire drivers and vehicles undergo rigourous tests and checks before they are issued with a licence, we occasionally receive complaints from the public about the taxi service.
To help us fully investigate a complaint we need clear and concise information concerning the incident. To help you we have created a form that you may wish to use. If, following the completion of the investigation, there is sufficient evidence to prosecute a licensed driver you will be requested to provide a witness statement and you may then be required to give evidence in court.
It will not always be the case that official action is taken as it depends on a number of factors; however, all incidents are carefully examined and taken into consideration as the Authority is always looking to improve the service we deliver to the public.
Please complete the form as fully as possible providing all the pertinent details. All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.
If South Wales Police are dealing with an incident, it would generally be the case that Vale of Glamorgan Council Licensing Enforcement Officers must wait until that investigation is complete before any action or our own investigation commenced.
However, public safety would be the ultimate determining factor. Should officers feel that to wait until the end of a Police investigation would be detrimental to public safety, the Licensing Section can and will take any appropriate action that they deem necessary. This may include the immediate suspension of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire vehicle driver's licences.